Part of: Education
Talks & Thoughts

Educational Reformation



Free admission


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Upper Stage



Free admission

General Information

Entrance to all the events in the “Talks and Thoughts” Cycle is free and on a first come, first served basis.
The distribution of entrance tickets begins one (1) hour before each event.
Simultaneous translation is provided in the case of speakers using a language other than Greek.


Educators and education researchers discuss the educational reforms that never happen.

Why are educational reforms never implemented, even though there’s such a desperate need for them?

Three distinguished academic speakers chaired by a philologist of the new generation who lives secondary education from within, and not under the best of conditions, seek to shed light on hidden aspects of an ongoing adventure without a happy end: the educational reforms that are never seen through to fruition. Taking examples from the current and past educational realities of Greece, they analyze the reasons why the educational reforms so many want so much are constantly postponed for the future they should be addressing.

Yet another educational reform—the revamped senior high school (or “New Lyceum”)—is being criticized as scrappy and ineffectual even before its implementation. The late educational historian, Alexis Dimaras, wrote of the “Reform that never happened”, comparing the great expectations the founders of the modern Greek state had for education as a means of creating a better future through the nurturing of responsible citizens with the consistently miserable results of each new set of educational policies.

So why is it that educational reform is forever announced but never—or imperfectly—implemented? What’s to blame for the fact that the many important educationalists who have been actively involved in efforts to radically reform the Greek education system have failed to achieve major, substantial change? Is it party politics, the temporary solutions permanently favored by the state bureaucracy, or the lack of sufficient funds, frequent changes in the senior leadership at the education ministry, or deep-seated ideological differences which make agreement impossible and educational policies impossible to formulate? What is it that transforms the constant demands for real education into a system for recycling different models for the university entrance examinations? And what should the educational community do, given the dismal economic situation that has struck yet another body blow to public education?


Manolis Pimplis


Professor of Comparative Pedagogy, University of Athens
Dimitris Matthaiou
Associate Professor of Educational Policy and the History of Education, University of the Aegean
Panagiotis Kimourtzis
Assistant Professor of Education, Ionian University, and former Associate at the Pedagogical Institute
Kostas Aggelakos


High school Greek language teacher, Ph.D. candidate in Modern Greek Studies
Kostas Karavidas
This discussion forms part of the “Greek thought in dialogue: Experiential learning program” project, which is itself part of the “Academy of Plato: the State and the Citizen” Action implemented within the framework of the Education and Lifelong Learning Program co-funded by the EU (European Social Fund) and national funds.