Part of: Circular Cultures: Topographies of Waste
Digital programs, Workshop

Workshops | Circular Cultures



Participation is free following online registration


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Friday 4 March 2022
11:00 – 16:00
Onassis Stegi


Working Language

Workshops will be conducted in English and interpretation will not be provided

Three workshops for circular-minded professionals.

This series of workshops and masterclasses addresses designers, artists and cultural professionals, architects and urban planners and anyone who is interested in circular design, food and water waste, urban interventions and making cultures.

How do we consume our food, how do we live our cities and what are the design practices that can foster more equitable communities?


11:00–12:30 | WWF: Let’s… eat for change!

In this workshop we will explore the ways in which the planet is literally in our plate! What does sustainable food really mean and how can we contribute to the solution of the problem as individuals and as active citizens?

We will analyze the problem in an interactive and participatory way and, what is most important, we will share ideas to take action using the tools and opportunities offered by the #Eat4Change project!

Led by

The workshop is open to everyone.

First come first serve / max 25 people / they will need breakout rooms in the last 20 minutes of the workshop


13:00–14:30 | CO3(6)5: Can our food waste be used for something useful and propagate a circular economy?

3 137 & Audrey Flore Ngomsik will present CO3(6)5, a project developed in the framework of “Studiotopia: Art meets Science in the Anthropocene”.

CO3(6)5 is an experimental awareness campaign on how circular economy could be an answer to a more sustainable food system. It moves from the micro-scale of domestic consumption, to that of the market, and promotes ways in which these domestic circular practices can be applied in the city.

Do our everyday meals have an environmental impact? Can we become activists through eating? Can our food waste become something useful and propagate a sustainable earth?

During the workshop, the team will share their research and demonstrate small scale experiments and easy home-recipes for processing organic food waste.

Led by 3 137 & Audrey Flore Ngomsik

Open to all / first come first serve / max 30 people / no specific requirements


15:00–16:00 | Platforming Social Infrastructure through Local Design

A presentation of RESOLVE Collectives work, looking across three core themes of local approaches, material lives, and participation in design. The presentation will reflect on the opportunities, learnings, and challenges of a body of collective practice that has engaged a plethora of communities and initiatives across numerous locales, asking the audience how we might, through locally-focused design practices, use circularity to celebrate and catalyze important existing social infrastructures.

The masterclass is open to everyone with an interest in urban and participatory design as well as circular design and its various application within the urban landscape.

Led by Seth and Akil Scaffe Smith, Directors of RESOLVE Collective

Open to all / first come first serve / max 30 people / no specific requirements