Photo: Elizabeth Carecchio

Ça ira (1) Fin de Louis

Joël Pommerat



4 — 15 €


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Main Stage



Full price: 5, 7, 10, 12, 15 €
Reduced, Friend & Groups 5-9 people: 5, 8, 10, 12 €
Groups 10+ people: 4, 7, 9, 11 €
Νeighborhood residents: 7 €
People with disabilities & Unemployed: 5 € | Companions: 10 €

Theater Combo -20%: 1 ticket to “Ça ira (1) Fin de Louis” + 1 ticket to “Hugo: A Utopia

Group ticket reservations at


4 hours and 30 minutes (with 2 intermissions)

1st part: 1 hour & 45 minutes
Intermission: 10 minutes
2nd part: 1 hour & 25 minutes
Intermission: 10 minutes
3rd part: 1 hour


Αge guidance: 14+
Shots of fake guns will be fired and strobe lights and smoke will be used during the performance.


The Onassis Stegi is transformed into a National Assembly. The French revolution is happening here and now, all around us, and Joël Pommerat and his wonderful company suck us into the vortex of history, showing us just how contemporary everything the pioneers and opponents of European democracy said and did 228 years ago really is.

France's most talked-about production (Molière Award, 2016), with fourteen actors and an army of extras portraying dozens of characters: kings, presidents, parliamentarians, cardinals, hot-blooded revolutionaries and indignant citizens.

Before all else, however, the actors put flesh and blood on the protagonists’ ideas. The historical dialogue that 'breathed life' into European democracy plays out anew, addressing our here and now;

Receiving rave reviews wherever it is performed, "Ça ira" is event theatre and an experience that is in turns violent and tender, funny and topical, ingeniously entertaining and profoundly enlightening on many levels. An epic project for democracy.

Photo: Elizabeth Carecchio


Joël Pommerat
Saadia Bentaïeb, Agnès Berthon, Yannick Choirat, Eric Feldman, Philippe Frécon, Yvain Juillard, Anthony Moreau, Ruth Olaizola, Gérard Potier, Anne Rotger, David Sighicelli, Maxime Tshibangu, Simon Verjans, Bogdan Zamfir
Set & Lighting Design
Eric Soyer
Costume Design & Art Research
Isabelle Deffin
François Leymarie
Music research
Gilles Rico
Sound and acoustic research
Grégoire Leymarie & Manuel Poletti (MusicUnit/ Ircam)
Marion Boudier
Artistic associates
Marie Piemontese, Philippe Carbonneaux
Historical consultant
Guillaume Mazeau
Assistant dramatist & archivist
Guillaume Lambert
Assistants to Forces vives
David Charier, Lucia Trotta
Assistant Director
Lucia Trotta
Technical director
Emmanuel Abate
Set construction
Ateliers de Nanterre-Amandiers
Mobile construction
Thomas Ramon—Artom
Lighting technician
Julien Chatenet
Sound technician
Philippe Perrin
Stage technicians
Mathieu Mironnet, Pierre-Yves Le Borgne, Ludovic Velon
Wardrobe mistresses
Claire Lezer, Lise Crétiaux
Laurent Berger
Greek translation
Louiza Mitsakou
Surtitle technician
Jorge Tome / AMDA
Anne de Amézaga
Jean-François Louchin
Assistant co-director and communications director
Gil Paon & Magali Briday-Voileau
Tour finance director and production assistant
Lorraine Ronsin-Quéchon
Press officer
Isabelle Muraour
Press officer
Isabelle Muraour
Fanny Trujillo
Assistant manager
Yane Agius
Tour finance and production assistant
Juliette Bones
Nanterre-Amandiers/Centre Dramatique National, Le MANEGE-MONS/Scène transfrontalière de création et de diffusion, Mons 2015/Capitale européenne de la Culture, Théâtre National/Bruxelles, ESACT/Liège, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, MC2/Maison de la Culture de Grenoble, La Filature/Scène nationale de Mulhouse, Espace Malraux/Scène nationale de Chambéry et de la Savoie, Théâtre du Nord/CDN Lille-Tourcoing-Nord-Pas-de-Calais, FACM/Festival théâtral du Val d’Oise, L’Apostrophe/Scène nationale de Cergy-Pontoise et du Val d’Oise, Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo et SESC São Paulo, Théâtre français du Centre national des Arts du Canada/Ottawa, Théâtre National Populaire/Villeurbanne et Célestins/Théâtre de Lyon, Le Volcan/Scène nationale du Havre, Le Rive Gauche/Scène conventionnée de St Etienne du Rouvray, Bonlieu/Scène nationale d’Annecy, le Grand T/Théâtre de Loire-Atlantique Nantes
Creation supported by
SACD and Arcadi Île-de-France
Created on 16 September 2015 at
Le Manège-Mons as part of "Mons 2015—Cultural Capital of Europe"

The Compagnie Louis Brouillard is supported by the Ministry of Culture / Regional Department of Cultural Affairs of the Ile-de-France and the Ile-de-France Region. In 2016, the company received the Prix Europe pour le théâtre.

Joël Pommerat is a member of the Artistic Union of Nanterre-Amandiers.

All of Joël Pommerat's stage plays are published by Actes Sud-Papiers.

Shots of fake guns will be fired and strobe lights and smoke will be used during the performance.

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