Quartiers Libres
Nadia Beugré
Time & Date
Onassis Stegi Friends presale: from 2 OCT 2018, 12:00
General presale: from 9 OCT 2018, 12:00
Full price: 7 €
Reduced, Friend & Groups 5-9 people: 6 €
Groups 10+ people, People with disabilities - Companions & Unemployed: 5 €
Group ticket reservations at groupsales@sgt.gr
The performance is in English
Duration: 50 minutes
A mountain of empty plastic bottles, a powerful performer who sings and dances, the audience on stage: the ingredients of a high-voltage performance which startles with its immediacy and its imagery. Nadia Beugré from far-off Ivory Coast, just a breath away.
“Quartiers libres”: a French expression meaning “the space of freedom”. As a performance, “Quartiers Libres” was made to create a free space in which an African woman’s cry for justice could be heard. Because as Africa drowns under a mountain of plastic waste, and Western waste in general, the West remains inert, apathetic, unengaged.
And it is precisely this lack of engagement that the stirring Nadia Beugré seeks to reverse, putting herself in among the audience, expressing all the things that can’t be said—emotions too complex to put into words—with her body. As she seeks the freedom to speak, she’s forever becoming entangled in her endless microphone cable, entrapped by a mountain of plastic bottles and—above all—trapped within herself as, gagged by bottles and weighed down by her bottle clothes, she struggles to reach out to the humanity around her.
Nadia Beugré
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Photo © Yi-Chun Wu
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Photo: Yi-Chun Wu
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Photo © Yi-Chun Wu
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Photo © Yi-Chun Wu
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Photo © Grit Weirauch
Choreography, Performance, Plastic Creation
Nadia Beugré
Dramaturgy, Sound Creation & Operation
Boris Hennion
Technical direction
Christophe Fougou or Anthony Merlaud
Nadia Beugré and Boris Hennion
Lights & Stage Design
Laurent Bourgeois and Erik Houllier
Sound Landscape “alarms”
Mathieu Grenier
Executive Production
Latitudes Prod - Lille
Special thanks
Choreographic National Center in Montpellier (France), Agora-Montpellier Danse, Choreographic Development Center in Toulouse (France)
Monday 29 October
After performance talk with the choreographers of "To Rest on a Slope", "And So You See..." and "Quartiers Libres". The talk will take place after the end of "To Rest on a Slope".
Moderated by Elpida Rikou, PhD, anthropologist, visual artist
The lack of drinking water in many African countries means people have to buy bottled water and drinks, consuming vast quantities of plastic packaging. In countries like Uganda, the people are literally drowning in mountains of plastic bottles. Which is why the image of heaped up plastic bottles is often used to convey the reality of everyday African life. However, the root of the problem remains the lack of drinking water...
According to the “Guardian”, one million plastic bottles are purchased around the world every minute, and this number is set to be 20% higher by 2021. The experts suggest recycling and a return to solutions such as permanent utensils (water bottles, cups with lids etc.) made out of environmentally-friendly materials.
Nadia Beugré’s long-term collaborator, the dramatist Boris Hennion, works in education, where he creates choreographic participation tools. For “Quartiers Libres”, Boris Hennion also created the soundscape.
Nadia Beugré Bio
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