Sorour Darabi
Time & Date
Onassis Stegi Friends presale: from 2 OCT 2018, 12:00
General presale: from 9 OCT 2018, 12:00
Full price: 7 €
Reduced, Friend & Groups 5-9 people: 6 €
Groups 10+ people, People with disabilities - Companions & Unemployed: 5 €
Group ticket reservations at groupsales@sgt.gr
The performance is in English
Duration: 40 minutes
How can a person who doesn’t want to have a gender speak of identity? What is the relationship between our native language and our understanding of gender? A daring artistic proposal from Sorour Darabi, whose native language, Farsi, makes no distinctions on the basis of gender.
What if you were coming from a neutral world and, all of a sudden, everything had a gender? What does gender determine? How do language and predetermined understandings affect how a society understands gender? Can a foreigner be assimilated? Can we speak of all this, or are we forced to swallow our tongues?
In Farci.e we will find only questions—no answers… Sorour Darabi will attempt a lecture about gender, but before she/he manages to articulate the words, she/he will be forced to literally “swallow” his/her words, overturning images, playing with our perceptions, and offering an unprecedented interpretation of his/her multidimensional self…
Sorour Darabi
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Photo © Mehrdad Motejalli
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Photo © Mehrdad Motejalli
…overturning images, playing with our perceptions, and offering an unprecedented interpretation of his/her multidimensional self… A surreal lecture-performance from Iran
Concept, choreography and performance
Sorour Darabi
Yannick Fouassier
Lighting Operator
Yannick Fouassier or Jean-Marc Ségalen (alternatively)
Outside eye
Mathieu Bouvier
Charlotte Giteau
Sandrine Barrasso
Festival Montpellier Danse, ICI-CCN de Montpellier Occitanie Midi-Pyrénées, with the support of CND Pantin in the frame of a residency, Honolulu-Nantes and Théâtre de Vanves
Special thanks to
Loïc Touze, Raïssa Kim, Florence Diry, Pauline Brun, Jule Flierl, Clair.E Olivelli, Zar Amir Ebrahimi, Charlotte Giteau, Sandrine Barrasso
“My native language, Farsi, in which I first began to apprehend the world around me, is genderless. Neither objects, nor ideas have a sex.”
“Things in the world and nature, objects and concepts do not have a sex. Why would they need one? Since moving to France and speaking French, I’m troubled by the fact that the language requires me to define my gender in each sentence. (…) What makes gender obligatory?”
Sorour Darabi Bio
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