
What secrets is the city hiding?

Discover the architecture of Athens' urban villages



10 € per child plus 10 € per adult



Time & Date

Center of Athens & Onassis Stegi



10 € per child plus 10 € per adult (for a total of two meetings)

Reservation and more info
Tel: 213 017 8002

Addressed to

Children 5-8 years old and their parents

How well do you know your city? Pedestrian zones, squares, arcades and buildings tell stories about Athens and its people. Take your parents by the hand and come explore with us different neighborhoods so that we can understand the role architecture plays in our lives.

When you live in a city, you may not have time to observe it; its buildings, streets, parks, squares, the way people move in and out of them and whether they enjoy living in it.

So we’ve planned a few strolls through the center of Athens—in Syntagma, Monastiraki and Psyrri—for you and your parents. As we walk along, we will be recording all the things that make an impression on us, by keeping notes, taking pictures, making sketches or even sound recordings, so that we can study them later and exchange views.

What did we or didn’t we like? What would we change if we were rebuilding the city from scratch? Who lives in these neighbourhoods and what needs do they have? We will discuss these questions, and many more, during a workshop—these are the very questions that architecture poses all the time. In the end, we will all build some architectural models, just like architects do, to show our own architectural proposals.

Photo: Stavros Petropoulos

Additional terms and conditions

We will dedicate two two-hour meetings to each neighborhood.
You can explore just one of the two neighborhood, or both.
The workshop will be completed in two separate two-hour meetings.
The meeting point for each stroll will be announced before the start of the workshops.


  • Architect

    Manos Babounis

  • Teacher, PhD in the Sociology of Education

    Emilia Fakou

  • Civil engineer & teacher

    Orestes Prekas-Patronakis

  • Teacher

    Stefania Vouvoussira

  • Teacher

    Claire Tzoufla