Mam Mam, a magic dinner | Panagiota Kallimani, Stavros Gasparatos


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A playful game-performance of the imagination created out of the dialogue between music, dancers, set and props. In a little house of distorted perspective, two dancers—a man and a woman whose movements are compressed and grotesque, rapid and distorted—conjure up a cartoon world in which gravity doesn’t work quite like it usually does. The wired stage set turns dancers and props into performers of a musical score and the audience into guests at a Buster Keaton-style last/secret supper. In this play, everything acquires dual aspects: one rooted in reality, the other in the dream. The performance was presented as part of Big Bang Festival 2 on 21-22.05.2016 at Onassis Stegi.

Choreography: Panagiota Kallimani
Dancers: Panagiota Kallimani, Eric Fessenmeyer
Music: Stavros Gasparatos
Set design: Maria Tavlario
Costume design: Panagiota Kallimani, Maria Tavlariou, Nella Ioannou
Lighting design: Sakis Birbilis
Video: Studio 123
Scenography: Hara Adamopoulou