Julia Reidy at Borderline Festival 10 | Premiere at Onassis Channel: 13.02.22 at 21:00 (UTC+2)

Sound with no boundaries, no borders.


The third day of Borderline Festival 10 hosts the imposing Julia Reidy, the acoustic explorations of Jacob Kirkegaard, the sound artist Kostadis and last but not least the “Wild Terrier Orchestra” project.

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Julia Reidy makes music for processed and acoustic instruments (mostly guitars). Her recent recorded work – “brace, brace: (Slip, 2019), “In Real Life” (Black Truffle, 2019), and “Vanish” (Editions Mego, 2020) – can be described as a series of non-traditional song forms that combine unstable harmonic territories, rhythmic elasticity, and abstract narrative overstretched episodic forms. She has recently performed at Tectonics Festival, Send/Receive Festival, Sydney Festival, Berlin Jazz Festival, Angelica Festival, and Mona Foma. Some of her current collaborations include 4-piece experimental rock band SPOILER (Liz Kosack, Samuel Hall, Brad Henkel), electroacoustic duo Tennis of All Kinds (Adam Pultz Melbye), and the Splitter Orchestra.


Director: Christos Sarris

Director of Photography and camera: Evan Maragkoudakis

Cameras: Dimitris Zivopoulos, Filippos Zamidis

Drone: Giagkos Papadopoulos

Editor: Tryfon Karatzinas

Colorist: George Kollios

Sound Mix: Jacopo Fokas

Video Crew Assistant: Koralia Dogani