I'm Positive 2020 | It's time to talk about a society of acceptance

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For a third consecutive year, people with real-life stories to tell will be speaking at Onassis Stegi about diversity, visibility, and acceptance in an open discussion chaired by the Greek Association of People Living with HIV – Positive Voice.

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There is nothing more powerful than a father or mother’s embrace, the smile of a proud child, or the unconditional, unlimited understanding and love of a partner. The notion of acceptance takes center stage at this year’s I’m Positive thanks to the real-life stories of five people living with and without HIV. Michalis and Giorgos, a same sex couple, are on hand to talk about adoption and foster care. Marios, an HIV-positive former substance user, talks about being accepted by society. Giorgos, with his parents, talks about being accepted by your own family. Erofili talks about trans rights and gender identity. And Olamide, a gay Nigerian man forced to leave his home because of his sexuality, and his country because of his work supporting people with HIV, talks about stigma in his own community.