I Don't Want to Forget Anything | Big Short Films 2022

I Don't Want to Forget Anything


DISFF: Best Screenplay Award to Vaggelio Soumeli. Available online between June 9th and 15th, 2022.

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It’s deathly quiet. Marialena is looking for the poetry book she lost. Bookstores are closed. Marialena wants to know where Magda is. The two sisters are on the phone. They need to remember, to forgive, to say goodbye.

Selected festival screenings and awards

International Short Film Festival of Cyprus 2020 – National Competition (Best Short Film Award, Best Actress Award)

Drama International Short Film Festival 2021 – National Competition (Best Script Award)


Written & Directed by Vaggelio Soumeli

Cast: Romanna Lobach, Marina Argyridou

Director of Photography: Yorgos Rahmatoulin

Editing: Thodoris Armaos

Original Music: Olga Ogomanic

Sound & Sound Design: Panagiotis Papagiannopoulos

Sound Mix: Ilias Flammos

Digital Artist: Emilios Avraam

Color Grading: Angelos Mantzios

Camera Assistant/ DIT: Michalis Kalidonis

Titles/ Poster: Alexandros Drosopoulos

Subtitles: Eric Karoullas

Producers: Vaggelio Soumeli, Yorgos Rahmatoulin, Elias Ktistakis/ White Balance