Coti K., Erato Tzavara, and Andrea Bonetti at Borderline Festival 10 by Onassis Stegi | Premiere at Onassis Channel: 09.02.22 at 21:00 (UTC+2)

Premiere at Onassis Channel: 09.02.22 at 21:00 (UTC+2)


The second day of Bordeline festival hosts the experimental musician Lea Bertucci, the distinctive media artist Thomas Köner as well as Coti K., Erato Tzavara, and Andrea Bonetti. Stay tuned on Wednesday, February 9 at 21:00 (UTC+2)

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On Wednesday 9 February we will watch the experimental musician, composer, and performer Lea Bertucci. Her work describes relationships between acoustic phenomena and biological resonance. In addition to her longstanding practice with woodwind instruments, her work incorporates spatialized speaker arrays, a timbral approach to composition, radical methods of free improvisation, and creative misuses of audio technology.

The program continues with Thomas Köner, whose works are audiovisual meditations that explore our notion of time, memory, and location. He invites audiences to enjoy impressions of depth, distance, and disappearance, and to fathom the qualities of the space around our limits of perception. Thomas Köner studied at Musikhochschule Dortmund and CEM Studio Arnhem.

Wednesday's program will be closed by Coti K., Erato Tzavara and Andrea Bonetti. Coti K., has been involved in the electronic music scene since the mid-80s, as a musician, sound engineer, composer, installation artist, and record producer. He has composed music and designed sound for theater, cinema, TV, and dance-theater productions, as well as audiovisual installations. Erato Tzavara is a video artist specialized in moving image techniques for live performance and digital scenography. Andrea Bonetti was born in Lugano, Switzerland, in 1968. He studied Biological Sciences in Pavia, Italy, and in 1995 he moved to Greece to research the birds of the Gialova. His research had already approached him to wildlife photography, which eventually became his main occupation.


Director: Christos Sarris

Director of Photography and camera: Evan Maragkoudakis

Cameras: Dimitris Zivopoulos, Filippos Zamidis

Drone: Giagkos Papadopoulos

Editor: Tryfon Karatzinas

Colorist: George Kollios

Sound Mix: Jacopo Fokas

Video Crew Assistant: Koralia Dogani