“A Letter to Ntinos” | The third episode of the “Stories to be continued” series at the Onassis Channel on YouTube
The story of the “innocent giant who saved seven of his fellow human beings, on the Onassis YouTube Channel. The third episode of the “Stories to be continued” series is completing a cycle of narratives revolving around the notion of life.
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Voula Koliopoulou is a mother who managed to transform her ache into a source of life. Although her 15-year-old son, Ntinos, passed away early in his life, his parents’ brave decision to donate his organs offered a precious second chance to seven of his fellow human beings, patients with end-stage organ failure. Therefore, Ntinos, the “innocent giant,” saved the maximum number of people an organ donor can save. A poignant human narrative and a captivating letter are presented in the third episode of the series, with the lucky recipients of this story being us. The “Stories to be continued” series forms a narrative cycle of humanity and solidarity in the framework of the information program Organmeetings.
"When the "innocent giant" passed away in October 2021, his family decided to donate his organs. Ntinos became a universal donor and saved seven people. His mother’s, Voula Koliopoulou, touching testimony—one informed of her strength of soul—in the episode "A Letter to Dinos" teaches us that the deed of selfless offering, which unfortunately is not always a given in today's Greece, can offer a better life to many of our fellow human beings."
–Marina Danezi, director of the “Stories to be continued” series
“You are aware that your dear one is still living through another body, through somebody else, in another way, yet they are still alive.”
Stills from the episode
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The "Organmeetings" program is part of the Onassis Foundation National Initiative for Organ Donation and Transplantation, undertaken by the Onassis Foundation and aiming to rebuild the transplantation sector and strengthen the culture of organ donation in Greece. The focus of the National Initiative for Organ Donation and Transplantation is the construction of the Onassis National Transplant Center (ONTRC), which is set to be delivered to the state in 2024. Together with the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center (OCSC), right next to it, they will comprise the first 100% digitized hospitals in Greece and two of the first fully digitized hospitals in Europe.
Christos Sarris
Written & Directed by
Marina Danezi
Curated by
Alexandros Morellas
Onassis Foundation
Line Production
Laika Productions
Christos Gakis
Directors of Photography
Thanos Tsantas, Filippos Zamidis
Production Manager
Tasos Koronakis
Sound Engineer
Manolis Makridakis
Graphic Designer
Afroditi Bizouni
Sound Design & Re-recording Mix
Dimitris Miyakis
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Nina Efstathiadou
Office Production Assistant
Nasa Chatzi
Kostas Mparmparousis
Rent Photo Video
Voula Koliopoulou
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Alexandros Morellas
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