8 young people discuss: Cultural identity and the concept of ‘belonging’

Watch the full discussion on Wednesday, February 10, at 18:00, with Greek and English subtitles


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Onassis Stegi, taking into account the more than 151,000 views of the first ‘SOCIETY UNCENSORED’ panel, “9 Afrogreeks discuss: What does ‘I can’t breathe’ stands for in Greece,” and the thousands of comments on it, continues to open up debates for everything that matters in our current society, for the hybrid dimension of identity, and the right to belong. This time, 8 young people living in Greece, from very diverse backgrounds, share and relate their personal experiences regarding their cultural identity, and the way it is shaped in their daily lives. In a time when the Western world often engages with the term ‘identity’ and the right to self-determination, which ones – and how – can define who we are or where we are up to?


Curated and chaired by:
Jackie Abhulimen, Political Scientist
Eirini Niamouaia Ontoul, Economist

Natani Petros, Innovation & E-Business Consultant

Αda Tsaousai, Financer

Patrycja-Katarzyna Mandro, Private Sector Employee

Mohamed Belhedi, Interpreter & Cultural Mediator

Nikos Arvanitis, Bartender

Mestisa Oliha, Student

Jackie Abhulimen, Political Scientist

Eirini Niamouaia Ontoul, Economist

An Onassis Stegi production
With subtitles in Greek and English