Zoé Le Voyer

Zoé Le Voyer’s experiences as an art project coordinator and curator have led her to work in London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Rabat, Paris and Marseille. Her career reflects her attachment to experimental, trans-disciplinary initiatives that are attentive to the territory. Aware of the urgency to rethink territories, she is committed to the creation of thoughtful places for collective use, and has coordinated various projects using local natural and cultural resources in order to design innovative and ecological spaces (e.g. Shuffle Festival London; Manifesta13 Marseille).

In 2018, she co-founded Calypso36°21, a Franco-Moroccan women’s curatorial collective producing the initiative Out.of.the.blue.map. Anchored in Morocco, France and the Netherlands, Out.of.the.blue.map is an itinerant curatorial, research program exploring the liminality of Mediterranean (fluid+solid) territories. For one year, through a trans-disciplinary program, Out.of.the.blue.map operates a collective critical rethinking of Mediterranean borderscapes. Mixing workshops, exhibitions and editions, the program invites architects, designers, researchers, artists and activists to produce alternative cartographies of the Mediterranean border territories.

Zoé Le Voyer initiated “On Drifting”, a trilingual participatory lexicon that brings together visual and textual fragments to compose a multi-vocal narrative exploring the margins, thresholds and blind spots absent from the dominant, Euro-centric maps inherited from (post)colonial narratives.