ΖΗΜENS (pronunced:[ˈziːməns]), is an acronym composed by the initial of the Greek words for “live - electroacoustic - music” and the first three letters of the word ensemble.

It started in 2011 as an educational experiment aiming at the development of ‘real time electroacoustic music performance’ as a new branch to the tradition of acousmatic music for fixed media, already well rooted in the educational vocabulary of the Ionian University Music Department's Program. Very soon it evolved to become an artistic research on a technical level, exploring advanced digital technologies of signal processing, musical organization and interactive control as well as on an expressive level, seeking formal stabilities between natural and electronic sound by means of free and/or controlled improvisation.

ΖΗΜENS consists of Philippos Theoharidis, Theodore Lotis and Andreas Mniestris. Any resemblance of the name to real persons, living or dead, or multinational corporations is almost purely coincidental.