Yorgos Stavridis

Photo: Nikos Antonopoulos

Yorgos Stavridis explores the inherent sound potential of percussion, objects, and electronic media, through processes of making, on-site action, and improvisation. His music practice focuses on gesture, texture, and timbre, following a spatial, perceptual and physical approach; at the same time, it investigates the activities of listening, improvising, and composing as inseparably connected and reciprocal relations. He is a member of the experimental music group Trigger Happy and of KeDiMouRa – a music collective that tries out playful and collaborative methods of music-making, currently developing the online radio station loskop.radio. He has performed at numerous festivals and venues across Greece and Europe. He has graduated from the Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University and the European Master’s program Contemporary Performance and Composition.