Yorgos Samantas

Yorgos Samantas is a social anthropologist engaged in sound, listening, and walking as cultural practices and as artistic media. His fields of interest range from urbanism and urban cultures, migration, and mental health, to the environment, acoustic ecology, and art institutions. Working on the field between art and anthropology, he seeks to expand anthropological knowledge production using a variety of media (sound, image, walking, mapping), while he grounds his artistic work in an ethnographically-informed social reality. He has been a member of art-and-social-sciences initiatives in Athens, Greece (“Fones”, akoo-o, “learning form documenta”), and is a member of TWIXTlab, a project between anthropology, contemporary art and everyday life. He works as a sound designer, educator, and occasionally a DJ. He is currently focused on a long-term research endeavor concerned with deaf audibility, sound art, and the radio.