Yorgos Glastras

Yorgos Glastras (b. Thessaloniki, Greece) is an actor, who studied at the Drama School of the National Theater of Northern Greece, and pursued his studies at the USIU in San Diego, USA, and Mountview Theatre School, London. He attended the MA program in Music Theater at the Royal Academy of Music in London and was honored with a Sir Ralph Richardson Award. He has also studied at the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Yorgos has performed at National Theater of Greece (Athens), National Theater of Northern Greece (Thessaloniki), Athens and Epidaurus Festival, Onassis Stegi, Athens Concert Hall, Thessaloniki Concert Hall, Theater of Neos Kosmos, Theater of Notos, Greek Art Theater Karolos Koun, Municipal Theater of Piraeus, Piramatiki Skini (Experimental Theater), working with directors such as Yannis Houvardas, Thomas Moschopoulos, Bob Wilson, Vangelis Theodoropoulos, Nikos Mastorakis, Vassilis Papavassiliou, Yannis Kalavrianos, Yannis Moschos, Nikos Hourmouziadis, Nikiforos Papandreou, Nikos Chatzopoulos, and Akyllas Karazisis. He has worked internationally with Deutsches Theater (Berlin), Piccolo Teatro (Milan), Teatro Olimpico (Vicenza), Τhe Globe, Sadler’s Wells, Theatre Royal-Drury Lane, and Riverside Studios (London), Edinburgh Festival, Sarajevo’s Winter Festival, Spazio Teatro NO’HMA (Mian), and Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen (Hannover). He has appeared in films and TV, working with Tasos Psarras, Panos Karkanevatos, Steve Krikris, Arsenis Polimenopoulos, as well as for Channel4 and BBC series.