Yannis Rizopoulos


Yiannis Rizopoulos

Yannis Rizopoulos studied Electronics, but made his career in the Media sector, where he has been active for 45+ years. He has worked for “Kathimerini” as a member, then head of Foreign Desk, “Naftemporiki,” and “Kyriakatiki Eleftherotypia” newspapers, focusing on technology and innovation issues. He has served as editor-in-chief or member of the editorial team in dozens of magazines on a wide area of subjects, has many years of radio and TV experience, and has also served as moderator in numerous conferences and congresses. For six years, he was the editor of the specialized section ‘Technologein’ at “Pathfinder” portal, where he produced more than 110 multimedia documentaries on innovative research, tech apps, and best practices. Nowadays, he contributes to magazines, events, and sites of Boussias Communications and Verticom Communications.