Wojtek Ziemilski

Τheater director

Wojtek Ziemilski is a theater director and visual artist. He works across art forms, rooting himself in the diversity of performance arts. His works have been shown around the world, at events ranging from the Ruhrtriennale to the Prague Quadrennial and the Divine Comedy Festival. One of his most recent shows, “One Gesture”, won, among others, the main award at the Zürcher Theater Spektakel festival and the main award at the Fast Forward festival in Dresden.

Ziemilski extends the idea of documentary performance. His work is often an inquiry into spectatorship and the possibility for action. By using tools such as devising, real-time composition, but also references from the world of visual arts and various media, he builds universes that combine aesthetic experience with intellectual inquiry. He is a lecturer at the National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw and at the Warsaw University, and has been giving lectures and workshops across the world, for instance at DAMU, Prague, and at UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro.