Trigger Happy

Trigger Happy is a 4-piece band formed in Corfu, Greece, 2016. They are known for their high-energy performances using an elaborate blend of toys, cracked-media, conventional instruments, electronic and electroacoustic contraptions. They utilize walls of noise, microsounds, serene drones, found media and disintegrating loops as interchangeable sound-blocks in cut-up like improvisatory structures. Informed by polystylism, sound collage and cut-up, all the elements are juxtaposed in contrasting fast paced changes and abrupt cuts. Each performance is dictated by a unique event score, devised by the group.

Trigger Happy are also the driving force behind the Κε.Δι.Μου.Ρα [Ke.Di.Mou.Ra] collective: researching, organising and performing, all in the name of musical turmoil. Κε.Δι.Μου.Ρα [Ke.Di.Mou.Ra] collective was formed in 2013 as an answer to the common need of its members for a flexible large-group structure where they could explore collaborative and playful ways of musical interaction, performance and composition. The current project of the collective is the development of an experimental online radio station.

Yorgos Stenos Frantzios: Amplified objects and toys, saxophone, electronics
Yorgos Mizithras: 0-input mixer & cracked media
Yorgos Stavridis: Percussion, electronics
Manthos Karras: Turntable, Samples

Live Performance, Studio, Κε.Δι.Μου.Ρα [Ke.Di.Mou.Ra], Κε.Δι.Μου.Ρα [Ke.Di.Mou.Ra] Radio Platform