Thalia Kiousi

Communications Manager, Athens Pride Festival

Photo: Pavlos Fysakis

Thalia is a graduate of the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy, and Psychology, University of Athens, with training in Special Education and Vocational Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion of Disabled people. She has been working for years as a personal assistant for people with motor or visual impairments and is a Greek Sign Language interpreter trainee. She has co-founded ‘Career Sign’, a company that specializes in the vocational guidance and career of disabled people, as well as ‘LGBT PwD’, an association for the support of disabled LGBTQI+ people. For many years she was the accessibility consultant for Athens Pride Festival. Her experience and action are oriented towards the independent living and support of disabled people. Currently, she works as the Head of Educational Programs of NPCP ‘Me Alla Matia’ (‘through a different point of view’ in Greek), implementing inclusion and accessibility programs. She lives with her partner and their cats in Athens, from where they dream of leaving soon so that their family can have a better quality of life. She loves traveling, playing the guitar, and the author Tom Robbins, whom she often quotes: A better world has to start somewhere ... why not with you and me?