Tale of Tales

Auriea Harvey studied sculpture at Parson’s in New York and Michaël Samyn graphic design at Sint-Lucas in Ghent. They have used computers since Windows 3.1 and Mac System 7. When the web was born, Auriea started entropy8.com and Michael zuper.com. In 1999, they met online as members of the hell.com artists collective and promptly merged both art and life. As Entropy8Zuper!, the net.art duo created projects such as Skinonskinonskin and The Godlove Museum, currently on rhizome.org. In 2000, the couple received the SFMOMA Prize for Excellence in Online Art. A few years later, Harvey and Samyn turned to video games as Tale of Tales and published art game classics, such as The Endless Forest, The Graveyard, and The Path. In 2014, their Luxuria Superbia won the IGF Nuovo prize, and in 2018, Indiecade gave them the Trailblazer award. Since 2015, Michael has focused on virtual reality and Auriea on digital sculpture. In 2019, the couple moved from Ghent to Rome. In January of 2024, they married in the Catholic Church.