Stavros Gasparatos

Stavros Gasparatos studied classical guitar at the Mozart Conservatory and jazz harmony at the Philippos Nakas Conservatory, while still completing his studies in mechanical engineering. From 1995 onwards, he worked as an orchestrator, musician, music producer, and sound engineer, and in 1998 formed the Gyro-Gyro music group with Alexandros Tsiflidis. Over the last decade, he has composed music for theater and dance productions, working with various artists and theater companies. He has also composed film scores (for “A Bright Shining Sun” by Vassilis Loules, “Oxygen” by Michalis Reppas & Thanasis Papathanasiou, “Utopia” by Giorgos Karypidis – composed in collaboration with Nikos Kypourgos – and “Destroy All Brains!” by Dimitris Emmanouilidis). In 2008, he released his first album as a solo artist, “Rehearsals” – an anthology of music for theater and dance performances. In June 2009, he composed the music for the Opening Ceremony of the new Acropolis Museum, directed by Athina Rachel Tsangari; that same year, he was awarded the Best New Artist Prize by the Union of Greek Critics for Drama and Music.