
Sonoscopia is an association that creates, produces and promotes artistic and educational projects, focused on experimental music, sound research and its interdisciplinary intersections. Since its inception in 2011, Sonoscopia has produced over 600 events, art projects, educational activities and publications. Some of its most noteworthy projects are Phonambient, INsono, Phobos – Orquestra Robótica Disfuncional e Phonopticon.

Gustavo Costa has studied percussion, music technology, sonology, composition and music theory. Holds a PhD in Digital Media at FEUP, Porto on the subject of expressiveness and interactivity in computer music. His work as a musician and composer is based around underground counterculture, improvised and electroacoustic music. He is currently an assistant professor at Aveiro University, Portugal and at ESMAE, Porto.

Ana Luísa Veloso (Guitarist, Graduation in Music Education, Porto College of Education, 2005, PhD in Music Education, Aveiro University, 2012) is a postdoctoral research fellow at CIPEM where she has been developing several research projects in the areas of musical creativity, informal learning, and music, personal and social transformation. She is a member of Sonoscopia, a member of the board of directors of the Portuguese Association of Music Education and director of the Portuguese Journal of Music Education.