Lina Majdalanie

Photo: Pavlos Fysakis

Lina Majdalanie: A lebanese actress, director and playwright. She was a member of Home Workspace Curricular Committee-Ashkal Alwan 2012 -1015. She was a professor at Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design in Geneva (2008-2013). She was fellow at the International Research Center “Interweaving Performance Cultures”/ Freie Universität - Berlin 2009/2010. Her works include: “Lina Saneh Body-P-Arts Project” (a website project, 2007 and installation, 2009), “Someone Must Have Been Telling Lies About Me” (video-installation, 2008), “Appendice” (2007), “I Had A Dream, Mom” (video, 2006), “Extrait d’Etat Civil” (2000).