Letizia Renzini

Director, musician, and DJ Letizia Renzini works as stage director and creator in new music theater, performing arts, installations, and electronic music/visual. A sound and video artist and performer, Letizia Renzini works with mixing media, focusing her exploration on composition towards different languages. She worked for many years for RAI Radio 3, the third channel of the National Italian Radio as a DJ and speaker. She has curated several series and festivals focused on sound art, performance, and new music, and she taught Multimedia Arts and Cinema Studies at the Marangoni Insitute for Fashion, Arts & Design (2017–2019) and the Accademia di Belle Arti (2022–2023). Her works in new music theater and her music and visual performance for adults and children are programmed and produced in many international art venues and festivals of classical and avant-garde music, multimedia theater, and performing arts.