Leandros Kyriakopoulos

Leandros Kyriakopoulos is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology of the University of Athens, with research interests in contemporary technocultures, digital networks, (rave) music cultures and technoaesthetics. He is the author of Representations of the Uncanny: Nomadism and Aesthetics in the Psychedelic Rave (Nissos 2020) and editor of the thematic issues Digitality, Aestheticization, Autonomy of Affect (Utopia vol. 133) and Spaces made of Sound – Times of Technique: Interfaces between Technology, Networks, Music and the Body (Automaton Journal 1.2).

He is currently a researcher on the HORIZON 2020-ERC project on the MUTE Consolidation Grant at the National Research Foundation, exploring the use of sound technologies in torture and warfare.