Konstantinos Chinis

Konstantinos Chinis is a composer, cellist, and pianist. He is among the first halldorophone performers in the world, having designed and developed a novel and unique sound, while he collaborates closely with composer and music producer Ilias Pantelias, with whom he has created the sound design and motion picture production company Broken Strings Music. At the same time, he remains closely attached to the history of the instrument, maintaining a close relationship with its creator, the Icelandic pioneer designer Halldór Úlfarsson. As an active composer and performer, Konstantinos has composed music for theater and cinema. His compositional style subscribes to a multi-layered approach, where neoclassical minimal melodic patterns coalesce with baroque harmonic gestures, resulting in a contemporary dark soundscape. Through his participation in nationwide workshops, European music festivals and seminars, he has further refined his performance techniques, learning on the side of internationally renowned artists. He is a long-time member of the Athens Youth Symphony, the Greek-Turkish Youth Orchestra, the Flex String Ensemble, and the Athens Cello Quartet, a status that has granted him the opportunity to perform in major concert halls, theaters, and alternative music venues across his country.