Klangforum Wien

Photo: Lukas Beck

24 musicians from ten different countries represent an artistic idea and a personal approach that aims to restore to their art something that seems to have been lost, gradually, almost inadvertently, during the course of the 20th century: music which has a place in the present, in the community for which it was written and that wants to hear it.

Ever since its first concert, which the ensemble played under its former name, the Société de l’Art Acoustique, at the Palais Liechtenstein under the baton of its founder Beat Furrer, Klangforum Wien has made musical history. The ensemble has premiered roughly 500 new pieces by composers from three continents, giving voice to their music for the first time. If given to introspection, Klangforum Wien could look back on a discography of over 70 CDs, a series of honours and prizes and around 2,000 appearances at renowned festivals and in the premiere concert and opera venues in Europe, the Americas and Japan, as well as various youthful and original initiatives. Like art itself, Klangforum Wien is nothing but a force, barely disguised by its metier, to improve the world. The moment they step onto the podium, the musicians know that only one thing counts: everything. Love of their art and the absoluteness of this conviction are what makes their concerts unique.

The members of Klangforum Wien come from Australia, Bulgaria, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Austria, Sweden and Switzerland. Sylvain Cambreling, Friedrich Cerha and Beat Furrer are three outstanding musicians who have been awarded an honorary membership of Klangforum Wien through an unanimous decision by the ensemble. Starting with the 2018/2019 season, Bas Wiegers takes on the role of principal guest conductor from Sylvain Cambreling, who remains associated with the ensemble as principal guest conductor emeritus.

Klangforum Wien is kindly supported by ERSTE BANK.