Katerina Sergidou

Gender Studies and Feminism Researcher - political activist

Photo: Pavlos Fysakis

Katerina Sergidou

Katerina Sergidou is a feminist-activist and social anthropologist. She grew up in Cyprus and lives in Athens. Katerina is an ‘Assembly of March 8’ member and takes part in international feminist networks working to organize the international feminist strike and to eliminate gender violence.

Since 2017 she works on her doctoral dissertation in Gender Studies and Feminist Anthropology at the University of Basque Country and the Panteion University, Athens.

Her ethnographic research focuses on the women’s participation in the Andalusian city Cadiz’s carnival. She has conducted research in Greece and the Spanish State, and her work has been presented in international conferences, scientific journals, collective volumes, and public lectures.

Her research interests focus on carnival performances, feminist methodologies in social research, the practice of feminist sorority, the notion of feminist hegemony, and the artistic feminist expression in the social movements. She is currently working as a researcher at Panteion University. Katerina is an editorial board member of the journals “Entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography” and “Polis Apolis,” as well as of the magazine for politics and culture “Marginalia.”