Ioanna Vrakatseli

Mezzo Ioanna Vrakatseli is a PhD candidate at the University of Athens, researching vocal works by François-Bernard Mâche. She is holding an MA in Voice Studies from Ionian University, a BA in French (University of Athens), and Conservatoire diplomas in Piano, Singing, and Theory of Music. She is translating in Greek Mâche’s book “Musique, Mythe, Nature” (to be published by Fagotto Books). Member of the intradisciplinary team ‘Voice Mentoring’ under Dr. K. Lambropoulos, she gives workshops on holistic approach to singing. As soloist she has appeared in festivals in Greece and internationally. She is a founding member of the artistic team ‘Notes en Drasi’ (Notes in action) and permanent member of the music ensembles of the Municipality of Athens.