
Photo: Xavier Halauer

Active since the early 90s in sound art and image, Ilios has been exploring the extremes of sound- and image-derived phenomena. Through constant change in his sound palette, touching and surpassing the limits of the sound spectrum Ilios advocates for an anti-career. Some of Ilios’s recorded output has been regarded by the media as “the sound of death” or “the most enervating record imaginable.”

With more than 350 live shows, lectures, and workshops in 35 countries across Asia, South and North America, Europe, and Oceania, he has pushed the space and body resistances to a hard test pursuing a state of alert for the human senses. Curatorial works include “Electrograph – Athens Sound Media,” “Muestra de Arte Sonoro de Santander,” “[Un]Common Sounds,” and sound events for the Athens Biennale, among others. Since 1997, he runs Antifrost, a publishing platform/label for sound media.