Georgia Koumara

Photo: Sonja Werner

Georgia Koumará was born in Thessaloniki in 1991. She studied music composition at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with Michalis Lapidakis and went on to complete her studies at the Cologne Music Academy with Michael Beil and Johannes Schöllhorn. Piano tuition under Lenio Liatsou and Lilia Vassiliadou, and composition masterclasses with Georges Aperghis, Franck Bedrossian, Raphaël Cendo, Brian Ferneyhough, Beat Furrer, Panayiotis Kokkoras, Philippe Manoury, Olga Neuwirth, Wolfgang Rihm, Jorge Sanchez-Chiong, Manos Tsangaris, and Jennifer Walsche broadened her musical horizons and bolstered her love for and interest in contemporary music, improvisation, and the art of performance.

Her works have been performed in Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, and have been broadcast on Austrian, Dutch and German radio. To date, she has collaborated with the WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne, the Cologne University of Music and Dance, the Ascolta Ensemble, the DissonArt Ensemble, the Divertimento Ensemble, Ensemble Inverspace, the Greek Contemporary Music Ensemble, the hand werk chamber music ensemble, the IEMA Ensemble, KammerMusikKöln, the Kluster5 Ensemble, Kollektiv3:6Koeln, the leise dröhnung duo, the Lucerne Festival Academy Alumni Ensemble, the Lynx Quartet, the Platypus Ensemble, soloists such as Dirk Rothbrust and Dominik Susteck, and others, at such festivals and venues as the Eight Bridges Music Festival in Cologne (2015), the Witten Days for New Chamber Music Festival (2016), New Talents – Biennale Cologne (2016), the Lucerne Academy Festival (2016), the Musica Festival in Strasbourg (2016), the Wiener Konzerthaus (2017 & 2019), the Gaudeamus Music Week (2017), the Stuttgart ECLAT Festival (2018), the ΟΝ – New Music Cologne ten-year anniversary celebrations (2018), and more.

From 2010 until 2014 she was an active member of the 6daEXIt Improvisation Ensemble, based in Thessaloniki. In 2017, with another two composers and six instrumentalists, she founded Kollektiv3:6Koeln – an artistic music collective based in Cologne that seeks to work closely with artists for the co-creation of music works, sound (or other) situations, and whatever else inspires and brings joy.