Frisly Soberanis

Photo: Maria Fernanda Andia

Frisly Soberanis is a filmmaker and video artist, from Queens, New York via Guatemala. Frisly’s work explores relationships between technology and the separation and distance that immigrants experience. He is an Open Society Foundation Moving Walls Fellow and a current Artist in Residence at the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics.

Frisly has received support from the Tribeca Film Institute’s New Media Prototype Fund, Center for Cultural Power, the Lotus Foundation, and the Nelson Mandela Foundation.

Frisly's work has been shown at el Centro de Cultura Digital (CCDMX) in Mexico City, at the IFP Made in New York Media Center as part of Tribeca Film Institute’s Migration CoLab, the Museum Hilversum, Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival and the Queens Museum Science Fiction Festival. He has worked in the camera department of films that have screened at the Sundance Film Festival.

He is a member of Tierra Narrative, a collective and production house of Central American poets and artists creating a virtual space to connect the homeland and the diaspora.