Fernando Rubio

Fernando Rubio (b. 1975, Buenos Aires) is a director, playwright, actor and visual artist. He has been carrying out projects seeking the formulation of space and the link with the spectators since 1998. He has presented his works in different international festivals in Germany, Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Egypt, Spain, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Portugal and Russia. His texts have been translated into German, English, Italian and French.

He has published many works: “A Long Winter Tales”, “All Close By”, “A Cement Boat in a Paralytic World for Abstact Children”, and the book of photographs and stories “Speak. The World's Memory”. He has participated in collective publications in Argentina and abroad. In 1999, together with Norman Briski, he founded 'Long Arm' (Brazo Largo), in 2001, he founded the company INTIMOTEATROITINERANTE. He received national and international awards for some of his works, and among his latest works we can find: “Nobody Told Me That I Had to Come to this World to Forget What I Have Once Dreamt of”, at the Experimentation Center of the Colon Theatre. “Everything by my Side” and “You Can Leave Whatever You Want” – award winner of the first Theatre Projects Contest of the BA International Festival. Colihue editorial has recently published - in the collection directed by Jorge Dubatti- “Playwrights of Action: works for theatre, interventions and performance of Fernando Rubio”, a compilation of his writings.
