Fani Kosona

Mathematics has been a reference point in the creative path of Fani Kosona (b. 1969, Athens, Greece), leading to experimentation with formal mathematical modeling in music composition, as well as the implementation of structural processes drawn from complexity sciences, such as the ‘topological design’ and various ‘deconstructing/ morphogenetic’ processes. She has studied piano, chamber music, orchestration, and music theory (harmony, counterpoint, and fugue) with Michel Merlet and Jean Paul Holstein in the Paris Conservatory (CNSMDP), and composition with Theodore Antoniou. She holds a degree in Mathematics from the University of Athens and a PhD in Music Composition with Mathematical Models from the Ionian University (Greece). Her creative trajectory includes collaborations with many distinguished performers and ensembles, in concert and discography, as well as a number of participations in international festivals (more recently ISCM World [New] Music Days 2020, Belgrade International Review of Composers et al.).