Elias Adam

Elias Adam is a director, dramaturg, and performer.

Born in Greece in 1991, he studied at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Law School and the Karolos Koun Art Theater.

His works have been presented in Greece, Cyprus, and Germany.

He has collaborated with the National Theater of Greece, Onassis Stegi, the Maxim Gorky Theater, the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, and other institutions.

In 2019, he was invited to take part in the Theatertreffen Internationales Forum (Berliner Festspiele).

In 2021, within the framework of the Moving Borders EU project, and following a commission by Onassis Stegi, ʽKivotos Channelʼ emerged, a ʽTVʼ channel conceived, directed, and dramaturged by Elias Adam.