Eleni Linaki

Photo: Pavlos Fysakis

Eleni Linaki is a Spatial Planning and Development Engineer (Polytechnic School of AUTh) and a Building Renovation and Rehabilitation Engineer (Technical University of Larissa). She also holds a Postgraduate Diploma from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Postgraduate Program: “Protection, Maintenance, and Restoration of Cultural Monuments”), and as from 2021 she also holds a Doctoral Degree from NTUA (School of Architecture) titled “Recording and evaluating the tangible and intangible cultural assets of a place through a multicriteria decision-making system, as a new approach to managing cultural heritage: The case of Ano Syros.”

Finally she is a postgraduate student at the Department of Theater Studies, University of Athens (Postgraduate Program: “Drama and performance”). She has numerous research projects and publications in books, scientific journals, and conference proceedings, and since 2021 she teaches at the department of Geography at Harokopio University.