Edit Kaldor

theater-maker and writer

Edit Kaldor is a theater-maker and writer, recognized internationally as a unique voice in the contemporary theater landscape. She works mostly with nonprofessional performers over extended periods of time and across various projects, merging documentary and fictional materials, and addressing seemingly unspeakable experiences, such as statelessness, abuse, or the dying process. She lives in Amsterdam and works internationally. Her performances, which stretch considerably the boundaries of theatrical conventions, have been presented in over 30 countries in Europe, the Americas, Asia and North Africa. She often integrates in her work digital media and interfaces, focusing on the metaphorical and theatrical possibilities in the daily use of technology. She is at this moment developing a new piece where she works with the augmentation of reality through the use of the mobile phone and covert performance elements in public space.

Edit Kaldor was born in Budapest, and immigrated as a child to the United States, where she lived for ten years before moving back to Europe. She studied English Literature and Drama at Columbia University in New York and University College London, and performance practice at DasArts in Amsterdam. In the past years, she has taught and lectured at (performing) art academies and universities across Europe and has led workshops in contexts like the International Forum at the Berliner Festspiele and the Shanghai Biennale. Since 2017, she is artistic research fellow at the Norwegian Theater Academy where she has been developing the long-term artistic research project “The Many and the Form” on new aesthetic and social practices for contemporary performance. She is currently also co-editing the book “Theatres of Powerlessness” together with Joe Kelleher from Roehampton University, which will be published by Bloomsbury/Methuen in 2022.