Dzovinar Mikirditsian

Dzovinar Mikirditsian (b. 1979) is a composer born and grown up in Beirut, having strong family links with both Greece and Armenia. She enrolled at the Lebanese National Conservatory and later at the National Conservatory of Yerevan where she pursued a Master’s degree in Piano Studies. She also studied Acoustic and Electroacoustic Composition with Nicolas Tzortzis, Martin Matalon, Yan Maresz, Franck Bedrossian, and Georges Aperghis. She lives in Geneva where she’s preparing her Master’s degree in Mixed Media Composition at the Haute école de musique with Michael Jarrell and Luis Naón. She is the laureate of the Sayat Nova International Composition Competition in 2016. She has collaborated with artists such as Ghassan Halwani, Silvina Der Meguerditchian, Jasmin Ihraç, Chaghig Arzoumanian, Collectif Kahraba, and the Academy of Aix en Provence. Her music has been performed by the ensembles L'Itinéraire, Ars Nova, Suono Giallo, Arod Quartet, L’Instant Donné, Contrechamps, Sillages, and the soloists of the national chamber orchestra of Armenia.