Dinos Dimopoulos

Dinos Dimopoulos was born on August 22, 1921 and died on February 28, 2003. He directed nearly 50 films, he collaborated with legendary actors, and he experimented with all different film genres, delivering unforgettable comedies, engaging melodramas, crime mysteries, or even films with a bucolic touch, which won numerous distinctions. Among others, he directed the films: “Madalena,” “Lola,” “Horse and Carriage,” “Society Hour Zero,” “The Swamp,” “A Crazy Crazy Family,” “Jenny Jenny,” "The Lady and the Tramp,” “The Fairy and the Man.” The last film he shot with the Finos Film production company “Vasoula and the Bases.” He kept up shooting remarkable films even after the death of Filopimin Finos, the most famous being the (domestically and internationally) award-winning “The Little Dolphins” a film adaptation on his own acclaimed novel. His wife was the actress Floretta Zanna.