Daniel Blanga Gubbay

Photo: Jose Huedo

Daniel Blanga Gubbay is a jury member of the Onassis AiR Programs 2019-20.

Daniel Blanga Gubbay (1982, Milan) lives and works in Brussels. Of Lebanese-Syrian origin, he grew up in Italy where he graduated in Venice in philosophy and performance. He then got a PhD in Cultural Studies in Palermo, Valencia and Berlin, and worked then at the University of Düsseldorf. In 2014 he initiated Aleppo (A Laboratory for Experiments in Performance and Pοlitics), a Brussels-based curatorial platform for public programmes in performance and discursive practices, and worked since then as co-curator for LiveWorks (Centrale Fies).

Since 2015 he has been Head of the Department of Arts and Choreography (ISAC) at the Académie Royale des Beaux Arts, in Brussels. He worked as dramaturge and programmer the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, and appointed at its joint direction, together with Sophie Alexandre and Dries Douibi, in September 2018.