Catriona Gallagher

Photo: Luana Rigolli

Catriona Gallagher is a visual artist based in Athens, Greece, and hailing from Britain and Ireland. Her work probes at the collision of manmade and natural worlds, navigating overlooked details in our physical surroundings and their mirroring psychological landscapes. She uses moving image, drawing, writing, and research processes in site specific responses to place. Recent projects have been based on forestry plantations in the North of England and West of Ireland, plant metamorphs in the city of Rome, and interior-exterior architectures within the mind-space of a house on a Cycladic island. These works reveal how enmeshed humans are with their contexts, and show a mapping of more-than-human relations, in place over time.

Catriona was a co-founding member of A – DASH project space in Athens from 2016 to 2019. She has recently exhibited at Roscommon Arts Centre (Ireland), Palazzo delle Esposizione (Italy), Villino Sartorio (Italy), the British School at Rome (Italy), Assembly House Newcastle (UK) and MIMA Middlesbrough (UK). Her films have been screened in international film festivals, winning the KNF Award in the Tiger Shorts Competition at the International Film Festival Rotterdam in 2024 and a special mention at New Holland Island in 2020. Her work has been supported by Arts Council England, Creative Ireland, and the Bridget Riley Foundation.

Catriona Gallagher is an Onassis AiR Fellow and a Big Short Films winner (2024).