Barbara Marcel

Photo: Silke Briel

Barbara Marcel (b. Rio de Janeiro, 1985) is a visual artist, filmmaker, and researcher interested in the cultural roots of nature, in the epistemological crossroads between Brazil and Germany, and in the various colonialities that to this day extractively pervade the territory of Latin America. She has been living in Berlin since 2009 and is currently one of the 12 Berlin Artistic Research Grant Program Fellows 2022-23. Since 2021 she teaches at the MA Future Ecologies, Institute of Visual Arts at the Faculty of St. Joost, Avans University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Her videos and installations have recently been shown at ifa gallery, Stuttgart; Bienal de Artes Mediales Santiago de Chile; Yango Biennale, Kinshasa RD Congo; Gemeinde, Cologne; ZKM Karlsruhe; Berlinische Galerie; Savvy Contemporary Berlin; Broad Art Museum, Michigan USA; Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin; V240, Amsterdam; ‘Omonoia‘ Athens Biennial; 175 Gallery, Seoul, among others.