Annea Lockwood

Photo: Julia Dratel

Annea Lockwood’s compositions range from sound art and environmental sound installations to concert music. Recent works include “Wild Energy” with Bob Bielecki, a site-specific installation focused on geophysical, atmospheric, and mammalian infra and ultra sound sources; “Becoming Air,” co-composed with Nate Wooley; “Into the Vanishing Point,” co-composed with the ensemble Yarn/Wire – a meditation on the large-scale disappearance of insect populations; and “For Ruth,” an electroacoustic work in memory of the composer Ruth Anderson, commissioned by the Counterflows Festival ‘21.

Water is a recurring focus of her work and her three installation sound maps of rivers, the Hudson, the Danube, and the Housatonic, have been widely presented in Europe, the UK, and the US.

She is a recipient of the SEAMUS (Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States) Lifetime Achievement Award 2020.