Amalia Zepou

Social innovation advisor, cofounder of Kollektiva

Photo: Claudia Leisinger

Amalia Zepou

Amalia Zepou is the cofounder of Kollektiva, an Athens-based non-profit for social innovation and culture. Ongoing projects are the setting up of a national Competence Center for Social Innovation funded by the European Social Fund and STARTS4Water, a project she consulted for OHI PEZOUME non-profit. Between 2014 and 2019, she served as vice mayor for civil society and innovation at the Municipality of Athens, with three projects that stood out: The civil society platform “synAthina,” the public consultation for a new governance model for the Municipal Market of Kypseli, and Curing the Limbo, an EU-funded pilot strategy for the integration of refugees. Athens was nominated European Capital of Innovation in 2018. Prior to the Municipality she was working as an independent documentary producer.