Alexia Holt (UK)

Acting Director / Senior Director of Programmes, Cove Park

Alexia Holt

Alexia has worked for Cove Park since 2004. As Senior Director of Programmes she oversees its international programme of residencies, commissions, partnerships and collaborations, and its extensive programme of participatory, learning, and engagement projects. Prior to Cove Park, she was Curator at Tramway, Glasgow, where she commissioned major solo exhibitions, group shows and initiated a residency programme for visual artists. A graduate of Glasgow University's History of Art department, she also worked at Glasgow School of Art and the city's Centre for Contemporary Arts whilst completing a Ph.D. on early twentieth century fashion design.

As Curator for the Scottish Print Network, between 2012 and 2016, she developed “Below another sky,” an international programme of residencies, exhibitions and events for Scotland's professional print studios. In addition, during 2016 and 2017, she was Project Coordinator for Little Sparta, the garden of the Scottish visual artist and poet Ian Hamilton Finlay, developing a programme of residencies for artists, poets, horticulturalists, and writers.