Watch on Onassis YouTube
From May 29, 2020

We stay close, not closed for another week now. The Onassis Foundation digital channel on YouTube continues sharing from its archive but also new productions, while most of our previous uploads are still online for all to enjoy.

From Yannis Houvardas' "Hamlet" to Elias Giannakakis documentary about Yannis Houvardas, from Constantinos Daskalakis who solved John Nash’s puzzle to Simon Critchley, from conversations in the context of C. P. Cavafy's poems and sustainability in design, fashion and crafts to new radio artworks; art never stops inspiring us.



Yannis Houvardas, Hamlet by William Shakespeare | With Greek and English subtitles | Available from Wednesday, June 3


Elias Giannakakis, Hamlet in Yannis Houvardas' Mind (2015) | With Greek and English subtitles | Available from Friday, May 29


NEWS – Episode 2 (2020)
Radio Traces (2017) | Available from Friday, May 29


Simon Critchley, Apply-Degger – An Analysis of Heidegger’s Thought in “Being and Time” (2020) | Available from Saturday, May 30
Seventh Episode – Inauthentic Life
Eighth Episode – Anxiety and Care
Ninth Episode – Reality


Circular Cultures: Design. Fashion. Crafts - Part 1 (2020) | With Greek and English subtitles | Available form Sunday, May 31


Konstantinos Daskalakis, Artificial Intelligence 2.0 (2017) | With Greek and English subtitles | Available from Tuesday, June 2


Cavafy Archive, Seven poems, seven lessons,"Dimaratos" | Available from Thursday, June 4