Watch on Onassis YouTube
From July 30, 2020

The Big Feelings Small Screens program keep on for a second week with the Drama International Short Film Festival. Eleven new award-winning short films that burned bright at the 42nd edition of the Drama Festival are to be screened online, on the Onassis Foundation YouTube Channel.

The second and final week of the Drama International Short Film Festival on the Onassis Foundation YouTube Channel, Artemis Anastasiadou reminds us of teenage loves, worries, and explorations of identity in “I Am Mackenzie”. A centenarian grandmother floods our screens with songs of her youth in Anna Antonopoulou’s “Cleoniki”. Leda Vartzioti and Dimitris Tsakaleas deal with a difficult “goodbye” to student life in “Sad Girl Weekend”. Iakovos Panagopoulos’ “Flickering Souls Set Alight” is a moving portrayal of a family’s everyday struggles. And Alexandros Papathanasopoulos inserts us into the world of former student outcasts who never got to play the lead roles at school with his dark comedy “Pathologies of Everyday Life”.

Discover the films

Available online from July 30 to August 4

Artemis Anastasiadou
I'm Mackenzie
Duration: 20 minutes

Iakovos Panagopoulos
Flickering souls set alright
Duration: 29 minutes

Nicolas Kolovos
Duration: 12 minutes

Lida Vartzioti & Dimitris Tsakaleas
Sad Girl Weekend
Duration: 15 minutes

Alexandros Papathanasopoulos
Pathologies of Everyday Life
Duration: 11 minutes